time is not only for spending, it is for USEING


Italian cafe, with lots of chairs!

I went to Shibuya from my work another day to meet my friends.

it was so nice to walk street which is opposite from my work, my commute streets.

it took about 30 min by walking slowly to get shibuya station, great refreshing, and i knew there is nice cafe on the way to get shibuya, so i finally grabed the oppotunity to try LATTE, always latte! you can tell if the restaurant serves good coffee or not if you taste latte with strong espresso and milk form you know??

anyway, i love that place, need to go back soon,



oyasumi no hi. Sunny days!

well well well. i sometimes get day off on weekday, mostly it is weekday so i have to spend time by myself(my frinds are working!! on weekdays) . but i hung out with my old friend last weekend(luckly i got day off on Satday yay). it was so nice, and realized that we are thinking same thing about life, work, ourselves by turning age 25! We are alredy got used to living in the society, but still thinking what do we want to do, what we want to be. Struggle, harder than before because we are sorking in the Japanese society, in the safe. At the same point, no idea where specifically do i want to go in my life. Time is passing in front of me... right on me..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i wanna change my hair style again, i got bored and they grow so fast! Need to think about some new idea.

Anyway, me and my friend found Vegan cafe in shibuya, i did not realized that is the place where tyler went before until i finish my coffee at terace sheet, it took ling time yes i know!!! sorryyyy-. I am wandering fluffy stuff they sell for to go, how do they cook? it seems dried tofu or something, but i barely cook, so i did not get that.

I walked around near my house, tried to discover something new without going clouded city, found something fun!


time is not only for spending, it is for USEING