time is not only for spending, it is for USEING


2008 is over, 359 days left 2009!

i think i am getting older.... i know this is not something i can change, but last year was stayble... i guess there were not much new things or changing myfelf, but insted of myself, my friends and family(only my sister) had great year, made big change.

Seekign changes round me makes my body itchy!!!! i want to do something totally new, just forget whatever i have, go somewhere no body knows me, and realize that i am growing up or even getting older, because i am stainding reality what i have. oh well....

BUT, i know there is one thing i can't get rid of it, and thanks to my daily life, i can do this!!!

Yes, traveling!!!!

yay yay:) i am going to Thai next week! oh yeah, i am so glad that i am Japanese, good access to other Asian country, ironically we are still strong for even currency and visa things, this is good for us, but we have to think about this too.

anyway, i am trying to eat good food!, not expensive foodm but healthy one as much as i can.

here are some Avocado on rice, and tofu. I made both rice bowls:)

6 件のコメント:

kidsonbikes さんのコメント...

naoko, I like your crazy face (mentally challenged, maybe?) with your 2009 food. is that cake?! WHAT IS IT?!?

705 さんのコメント...

oh, yeah. that's bagle!sesame bagles! very healthy:) naocco

kidsonbikes さんのコメント...

what, are you italian?! NAOCCO

705 さんのコメント...

of cause i am. i have spirit of their soul. hey, i got 200 USD gift card and Nintendo DS at my company's associate party! I am happy! yay

kidsonbikes さんのコメント...

oo nice. you can play video games all the time now.

Lydia さんのコメント...

2009!!! hurray! funny food, funny face!

time is not only for spending, it is for USEING