time is not only for spending, it is for USEING


Camomile?? how do you spell?? tea tea hot tea;)

I had tempura for dinner and it was sooooo filly, my stomach is almost too full to breath deeply.

Well, I'm sure all of you knows tyler is coming to japan 2 days later from now, i cleaned up my apartment today, and i still need work on that tomorrow too, but almost done! i bought toilet papers, and everything is fine;)

i keep forgetting to get degital camera everytime i go to shopping, i think i just need someone to remid me and help me to buy it. Because i have 200 points for electric shop members card when i bought laptop, which has almost $200 worth on it! Isn't it great??? So now, if i pay $80 more, i can get good quality camera!!! hahahaha!

And i am drinking camomile(is it how you spell??) tea, Numi tea, from USA??? maybe??? it's organic tea and taste is soooo goood. Feels like i am cleaning off my grease in my stomach------

tomorrow, i am working, and day after tomorrow too! i need wake up at 4 am and start work form 6:30! Isn't is creazy?? Good thing is i can get off work at 2:30---- so that i can slowely go to Narita Airport to pick tyler up!! yes! Finally, we have been waiting this morment for 9 month!
This is how our relation ship goes, so it's just as it is. but it is soo exciting!!
This time, he is in Japan only 3 weeks and i'm ganna take 9 days off! I hope typhoon is not ganna DESTORY our precious daysssss, but actually next one is coming, not in Tokyo area, so should be all right.

Well, i just wanted to write my feeling with great tea, and it's dark in my room, so no picture, soorrryyyy.

Love you all, really.


3 件のコメント:

Lydia さんのコメント...

exciting times coming with tyler! even better than a typhoon!(do you just buy toilet paper when company comes? hehehe) have FUN!

kidsonbikes さんのコメント...

yeah, haha naoko you never use toilet paper when you're alone? interestingg. see you soon.=tyler

"On Your Left!" さんのコメント...

We need an update! Tyler is safely home! I didn't see you in any bags so I guess you are still in Japan. Thanks for taking care of him. I hope to see you soon!

time is not only for spending, it is for USEING