time is not only for spending, it is for USEING


Longer?? hair and time at my work...

I hope you can tell my hair is getting longer!!! yes, i hope they'll glow faster! All of you know about travelor from the Lewis family, secound son, his name is Tyler, he is coming to this country 11 days later!!! This is third time for him to go thru japanese immigration! on September! Everytime when he comes, it is September! great! not tooooo hot, but we can still enjoy sunshine!

Well, I totaly refreshed my feeling towards my job lately.

I have been working at my work almost 6 month, but honestlly, after evaruation in May? or June, i lost my confidence, energy, goal, reson for work, everything, i was working just for money. And i got tired of everything..... but, a couple days ago, my co-worker told me if i'm mot going to change my atitude towards my supervisor, i have highly possibility to get fired..... As everybody(even country manager) knows my supevisor is not helping other customer service reoresentatives(include me!!!), and she always complain when we made tiny mistakes, she is the one who needs to check and protect us when something happened as our boss, but she is not that kind of person, she always push push push things to us, and leave work early.

but, she is my supervisor, that is the truth, and nothing we can change. Icried so hard when i talk with my co-worker, who told me i have to change myself..... my co-worker is very nice people, they always help me and encorege me. i have been blind abot that, so now, it is time for me to change myself, focus on my co-workers to help. OF course i have to help our guest too.

And i 'm goin to have 9 days off when tyler comes here !!!! can't waittttttttt------

love you all,


3 件のコメント:

Lydia さんのコメント...

your hair is very cute no matter what you do! i hope you have good luck with your job... 9 days off will surely help, yes? And days with TYLER are bound to be good for the SOUL!!! So have a good time and take lots of pictures... we love the blog!

sandylew さんのコメント...

wow - I'm sorry to hear that your supervisor is such a pain. But it sounds like you've got some great co-workers. I know the upcoming vacation is just what you need!
Have you seen the video on Doug's blog? Sad, but exciting all at the same time!

705 さんのコメント...

Dear Lydia,

thanks for your comment always;) o love it! yes, 9 days off and 2 weeks life with tyler makes me keep stay positive all the time, i can say myself, ok naoko, stay here, culm down, tyler is coming here soon, everything will be all right.... this is my magic! and it works more than anything else!

i will buy degital camera soon, next step after laptop, and put more pictures on the BLOGGGGG


Dear Sandy,

thank you for reporting the LEwis family and picture of Theo and tyler, Danny!! Woody too!

yes, fortunatelly, i am always surrounded by grat people who helps me all the time. Life is fair, give and take.... not perfect all the time.

Anyway, i just saw Doug's blog! it's just buuuuuuuunnnn thing to break something, even house!, takes only some munutes! even though it will take such a long time to built and keep the conditoin! but i believe this is sad thing, and first thing we have to go thru to start new thing! NEW house! i can picture of all of you are having peacful dinner with candle lights!

hope i ca nvisit you asap!



time is not only for spending, it is for USEING