time is not only for spending, it is for USEING


Italian cafe, with lots of chairs!

I went to Shibuya from my work another day to meet my friends.

it was so nice to walk street which is opposite from my work, my commute streets.

it took about 30 min by walking slowly to get shibuya station, great refreshing, and i knew there is nice cafe on the way to get shibuya, so i finally grabed the oppotunity to try LATTE, always latte! you can tell if the restaurant serves good coffee or not if you taste latte with strong espresso and milk form you know??

anyway, i love that place, need to go back soon,


3 件のコメント:

kidsonbikes さんのコメント...

naoko chan, I wanna see beautiful pictures of YOU! I dare you, take a photo of yourself and put it on here. talk to you soon! -t

"On Your Left!" さんのコメント...

Funny that latte is popular in Japan. It is not what I would believe, but I am glad that it is so. I want to enjoy latte in Japan someday!!!

"On Your Left!" さんのコメント...

Funny that latte is popular in Japan. It is not what I would believe, but I am glad that it is so. I want to enjoy latte in Japan someday!!!

time is not only for spending, it is for USEING