time is not only for spending, it is for USEING


I am almost there over the pacific Ocean!

I am working, it's still 2:53 am, i thought it will be hard to finish all of monthly tasks i have to handle before i leave, but i am done! quick quick.

i am very lazy to report what is going on my daily life, i really love sleeping, that makes me rally really lazy. This time, when i visit, i haven't make any actual plan yet, tyler and i will go to camping and some day visit seattle. but that's it. sounds good.

i got 10 days off, that's unbelievable! i'm lucky! so lucky!

after 8:00 AM today, 5 hours ahead, i can be free, free from everything. great, but what i would need is going to be SLEEP...

i hope i can meet everybody while i am in seattle and have sunny, graceful, special, peaceful, memorable, great time with all of you!

onething, i forgot a cable for my camera, i think my camera is canon, does anyone has cable same type with mine??

1 件のコメント:

"On Your Left!" さんのコメント...

I have many cables. Let's talk.

time is not only for spending, it is for USEING