time is not only for spending, it is for USEING


My birthday is pssed!

thank you all for sending message for my birthday! I enjoyed a lot!!! My birthday was just normal day, except receiving special messages and cheese cake which I GOT for myself!

What I did on my 23rd birthday was working. I realized that the atmosphere is very natural to me, which people speak japanese and English naturally, and all the douments and orientation are in English. We had New Associates Orientation in the afternoon, and superviser presented about the history of the company in English, evernthough he speaks perfect Japanese. And most of Associates are japanese, except one girl who is native English speaker. The interesting thing was evrybody had storng English accents, such as Australian, British, American(Me)... I could't even understand what the Japanese girl said in English because she has very strong Australian accent. But it was very clear where did they learn English. hahahaha!

The new thing is thinking about relationships for new associates. There are 4 people include me who started to work here from Feb. And except me, other 3 people are just graduated students and have no experiance for working hospitality industry... i haven't work for hotels or something yet, but i worked restaurants and bars a lot when I was students. And I am the one who has work experiance. That is not mean i have advantage for this job, but the value is totally different. I believe this job is not tooooo hard to me, even if i were asked to organize flont desk right after i got this job, i love it, i got chance! but for other people, it is almost stressful and impossible job. They complain little bit... So it makes me hard to understand them sometimes, but it's just we have different value of life. Now, i have to think about understanding people and adjust people, and make it more comfortable to work toghether.



hi there!!! thank you for your coments!! it was first day for working at new place. It was good. People basically work only 7 hours, and I am hired as opening staff, i need to join discuttion for kitchen and bar, even though i have no idea!! Great thing is they encoreadge me to give some opinion to them, and i love to try it! Bad thing is i expected more than half of the customer would be international people, but actually more than 90% of them are japanese.... where can i use ENGLISH?????? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-------, but another good thing is concierge need to plan some events ,held each 3 month, called presidents party or something. so i can be cordinater!!!! yes!!! wowowowowwowowooooo! And all of the orientation will be held by English, maybe mixed with Japanese too, but the papers are printed all in English, because the manager is Swidish, and some staff is also native English speakers. I believe it will be so hard working on night time, but once I get used to do it, it will be easy, and i love they are not stay late in the office!!!! can't wait to get salary!


Posting for first time!!!!

well well wellllllllllllllllllllllllll,
i finally have some power to catch up technology for this century. And still don't have any idea to organize this blog. but i will see, i wanted to title as SIMPLE AND GRACEFUL LIFE, but i got error for that, so i was thinking another title, and lately i am thikng about time, am i spend time for what?? for job?? for standing this strict society? or waiting for the end of life?? none of them fits me at all. Maybe we should USE time for our lives. Don't need to be crashed time. that is not my life. It is very complecated to explain.

Anyway, i want to try to post as much as i can in ENGLISH! it will be big rutine in my life, hey maybe i haven't tell everybody about my job. but i finally got job in Japan as a concierge(?) flont desk for apartment. And more than half of the customer are forigher, so i have to use English which is very good to me, and i still thinking to go to another country in the future!!

time is not only for spending, it is for USEING