time is not only for spending, it is for USEING


Posting for first time!!!!

well well wellllllllllllllllllllllllll,
i finally have some power to catch up technology for this century. And still don't have any idea to organize this blog. but i will see, i wanted to title as SIMPLE AND GRACEFUL LIFE, but i got error for that, so i was thinking another title, and lately i am thikng about time, am i spend time for what?? for job?? for standing this strict society? or waiting for the end of life?? none of them fits me at all. Maybe we should USE time for our lives. Don't need to be crashed time. that is not my life. It is very complecated to explain.

Anyway, i want to try to post as much as i can in ENGLISH! it will be big rutine in my life, hey maybe i haven't tell everybody about my job. but i finally got job in Japan as a concierge(?) flont desk for apartment. And more than half of the customer are forigher, so i have to use English which is very good to me, and i still thinking to go to another country in the future!!

6 件のコメント:

"On Your Left!" さんのコメント...

I like simple and graceful life too, but use time for living is good! I'm so happy for you about your new job. I know that having all kinds of people around and interacting with them and communicating with them will be such a better use of all your skills and gifts than your last job probably was. We miss you!

kidsonbikes さんのコメント...

oooo hello soldier of japan! here's to a wonderful valentine's day for you. Hope you enjoy the new company you'll have at your new work place also?!=tyler

kidsonbikes さんのコメント...

oooo hello soldier of japan! here's to a wonderful valentine's day for you. Hope you enjoy the new company you'll have at your new work place also?!=tyler

705 さんのコメント...

Thank you!! yeah, i got job!!! I will be concierge?? at Oakwood.. do you know the buildong of them? they have one building in gig harber too. I am thinking to go to another places with my carrer, maybe, hehehehe. But i'm sure that i can improve my skills because half of my supervisers are native English speakers!!And we suppose to speak English all the time!
I'll work for them tomorrow, so I will seee. I miss you a lot.
happy valentain's day!!

705 さんのコメント...

oh yeah, i am for sure i will work at least 3 japanese girls as an opening staff. so we are on the same line. i am so excited about to see them!! I will try to post some photo too.

"On Your Left!" さんのコメント...

Hi to Naoko! It's great to see you have a WebBlog!! I agree.. "use Time for LIVING!!!" I think you already show us that you do! Please post photos when you can. Happy Valentine's day to you and Birthday too.
Enjoy life!

time is not only for spending, it is for USEING