time is not only for spending, it is for USEING


secound time for posting this one, i hope it works

i am back here again, still need to work on organizing clothes, laundry, coffee beans.i can finally take day off, tomorrow, i didn't go work right after i landed japan this time.
i had really really good time, so relaxed, surrounded by lovely people, couzy house, nice animals and of course great music too.After i came back here, i went to Aroma lecture, and started work. Needed to teach new associate from 11 days off. so much things to catch up and teaching, i guess i have more capacity of my abilities, not upset when i see something unexpected situation. oh well..
anyway, i could pass coffee beans from LADRO to Mr. Rucinski, that was good, short conversation, but i've done that! oh yeah!I also needed to be evaluate from my supervisor, it wasn't desaster, it was ok, no more worries.
I will update some photos on fricker if i can,,, wait wait... waited mover one hour to upload. well, but i thank for this technology. somehose i can't put ling in here, i will try some later. some proof so far! http://www.flickr.com/photos/24870849@N04/?saved=1 oh here it is, now i am waiting for upload actual photo on this pagee.... well , i guess it not ganna happen this time.

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time is not only for spending, it is for USEING